
 The sixth National Council of Awami Juba League, an associate organisation of the ruling Awami League, will be held on Saturday after around nine and a half years. 

Awami League President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the council at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre in the city at 10am. 

The last national council was held on July 25, 2003 in which Jahangir Kabir Nanak and Mirza Azam were elected as 

The government-owned vessel PS Lepcha was stuck mid-river for four hours with 350 passengers on board after its engine stopped. 

The vessel's Babel gear broke around 9pm Thursday when it reached Charmonai on the Kirtankhola River, Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTC) Assistant General Manager Gopal Chandra Majumder told 

 Rail communications resumed between Dhaka and the northwest and Mymensingh within six hours of a rail accident on Friday. 

The rail link snapped when the Khulna-bound Sunbdarbans Express derailed at around 9:30am at Gazipur's Dhirashram. The communications resumed at 3.10pm after the derailed train was moved. 

Bangladesh Railway has formed two committees to investigate the accident.